Asked on Jul 15, 2018

Help with Mosaic Clock

Arlene Crews
by Arlene Crews

I have used glass pieces to mosaic this wood clock kit. I have been told that I can't just put grout on this round piece as it will "run off"? How should I deal with that? Also... looking for advice on best color (I am thinking I a may use black grout)? And lastly should I use sanded or non sanded grout? Thank you.

Glass mosaic on wood clock kit

  3 answers
  • Kellie Kellie on Jul 15, 2018

    Pre-mixed grout is pretty thick, I don't think runoff will be a problem. Can you lay your project flat while grouting? I always use sanded, I like the rough texture next to the smooth pieces of glass\ stone. If adhesion seems to be a problem, try doing small section at a time. Color, black, always dramatic, sand color, more subtle. Hope that helps.

    • Arlene Crews Arlene Crews on Jul 15, 2018

      Thanks for the input. I am also grouting a square mirror at the same time. Wasn't overly concerned with that but the round "clock" I wanted suggestions for.

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  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jul 15, 2018

    Lay it on it's back and grout. As you reach the edges, just use painter's tape to hold the grout on the item until it is dry. Actually, I have never used grout that wet before. You could grout all of it except the very edges, let it set a while and then grout the outer edges putting on tape as you go. Just cut off a few short pieces, stick them on the edge of the counter on which you are working and have them ready to use.

    You could make a sort of mold with tape, making it only slightly taller than the edge pieces and put the grout in very gently, working a small area at a time, wiping it clean as you go.

  • Arlene Crews Arlene Crews on Jul 15, 2018

    Thanks for the input. I am also grouting a square mirror at the same time. Wasn't overly concerned with grouting the mirror - but the round "clock" I wanted suggestions for. I will definitely try your suggestion of painter's tape! Thank YOU!

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