Need ideas to hid the bottom.thanks

Matt Freelove
by Matt Freelove

just put a shed in and have a lot of gaps. It is level. Need ideas to hid the bottom.thanks

  8 answers
  • Rachel Rachel on Jul 15, 2018

    Long tall planters full of flowers?

  • Zard Pocleeb Zard Pocleeb on Jul 15, 2018


  • Dee Simmons Dee Simmons on Jul 15, 2018

    I would suggest using lattice around the bottom and secure with some supporting boards. Once this is done you could do some planter beds if you are into gardening. If not you can just build a small bed around all sides and fill with stone of your choosing. I would put landscape fabric down first. This will keep the area neat and pretty maintenance free.

  • Carol luttrell Carol luttrell on Jul 15, 2018

    We used lattice. It’s easy to clean if you get the processed.

  • Jlnatty Jlnatty on Jul 15, 2018

    I agree about using lattice. Four x eight sheets are relatively inexpensive and can be cut to size. It's a neat classic look that will camouflage the concrete blocks and wood shims. If secured properly to the shed, it will keep some critters out from underneath your shed, too. Some ideas/pics:

    And at the following link, some pictures of how people used lattice skirting around a structure on a slope (like your shed):

  • Matt Freelove Matt Freelove on Jul 15, 2018

    mobile home park will not let me use lattice unfortunately. thanks for the suggestions

  • Afe17622991 Afe17622991 on Aug 11, 2018

    Mobile home skirting at least you can cut to sizes and cheaper or add more decor bricks

  • Jjw12098715 Jjw12098715 on Aug 11, 2018

    We used 1 x 8 boards and started at the top attaching to the shed and as we got to the edge close to the ground we had to dig the dirt to bury the part which wasn't even with the rest of the shed. We finished the corners with L shaped bracket material and painted it. We planted grass around the bottom of the shed after all else was done. We were able to just use 1 layer of 1 X 8 boards but your ground has more slope than ours so you may have to go another layer under the first 1 X 8's.

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