How would you remodel this kitchen? Its a moble home, 14 ft wide

Kristie Hodges
by Kristie Hodges
  9 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 16, 2018

    I sure would, way to much drab plywood, give it some pizzazz .... here is one women's makeover that I love...

  • Suzette Suzette on Jul 16, 2018

    Hi Kristie, I don't know what your budget is, but this is a sketch I did. If you have a tiny budget, paint your cabinets white. Get new hardware to update them. stack the two cupboards that were hanging to make a tall wall cabinet on the little wall in front of the stove. The cupboard over the fridge now goes over the stove. You don't lose any storage, just reconfigured. I would paint the paneled wall white, and use the back wall and the little wall as accent colored walls. You can hang your soda crate and use it for spices or just as country decor. Just an idea~ :)

    What ever you decide, have fun!

    comment photo
  • BBB BBB on Jul 17, 2018

    White shaker cabinets..change the fronts by adding trim and paint if the cabinets are in good condition. If you have the money, change out the appliances to stainless steel. Looks best with white paint. Add a nice rug under your feet by the kitchen sink. Remove all clutter so the countertops looks larger. You can use Daich mineral select on your countertops if you want them to look like real stone.

  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jul 17, 2018

    Kristie, there is NEVER enough space in the kitchen...NEVER! But there can be too much brown. I totally agree with BBB that some wood added to give it that Shaker look and painted at least a cream color, would be pretty.

    But before you do anything, clean the cabinets good, even if you have to scour them. Mine are 48 years old and I am sure it will take some steel wool in places to get them ready to paint...particularly those areas near the floor that we all tend to miss when wiping down our cabinets.

    Paint your walls the same color as your cabinets, or a very light color of your choice. If the kitchen leads into the dining room or living room, you may want to paint that entire area the same color.

    If you seal the cabinets with a clear varnish, they will be easier to wipe down.

    Once you have the cabinets painted, you will find that the wooden top is barely noticeable and may not need any attention.

    Change out knobs and hinges.

    Before you reload your cabinets, declutter. We all tend to hold on to to much stuff and it makes us miserable after a while.

    post photos.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jul 17, 2018

    Right now everything is the same basic shade. The cabinet, floor, counters and walls. You need contrast.

    Too much stuff on the countertops, the shelves by the sink and on the wall. Paint the cabinets to lighten the kitchen. Also painting the counters with a kit and a lighter/cleaner paint of the walls. Hardware on the cabinets would look good too.

    A colorful throw rug would help. Ditch the flag that hangs in the middle of the window. Perhaps sheers that you could pull back would work better in the window. Hang them so when you pull them back there the entire window is visible.

    Have you considered a solar tube or skylight to bring in more natural light?

    Instead of the plastic looking benches what about a built in area. Perhaps something like this:

    That could give you extra storage under the benches.

  • Elizabeth Boyes Elizabeth Boyes on Jul 17, 2018

    Paint all your cupboards with white melamine,Iโ€™ve done this and it makes a great job

  • Lynn Jolicoeur Lynn Jolicoeur on Aug 13, 2018

    I to live in a mobile home and had dark wood cupboards. I finally got the courage and painted them all white and changed the hardware. I left my counter top as it was (a dark green) my back splash was white tile so I left it that way. I could not believe the difference I still have to paint my walls and will probably go white. My floor is hard wood and I am not going to change them do to cost. My only real comment is when you paint you really do have to make sure to clean the surface of the cupboards. I cleaned and also sanded them to ensure paint would stick. I used Benjamin Moore special base coat, let it dry and gave the cupboards 2 coats of paint. I did all of this 3 years ago they never peeled or faded. They look great, the only thing that is happening is I am starting to see a fey knots showing through the paint. Pin is bad for that apparently. What I should have done was maybe paint the dark knots over with a fine layer of sealer or something, the base coat was supposed to do this. I can see the knots coming through very faintly, no one else sees them so maybe I am being a little picky. But in closing for sure I am very happy of my work, it does take time and patience. ANd as suggested, sort through and disgard things you don't use or need. ANd keep counters clear . Best of luck.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Aug 13, 2018

    I would begin by painting the cabinets. It looks like you have a wood countertop that might need some sanding and reconditioning with hemp oil. Also the less you have on the counters and on the fridge, the more modern the space will feel.