How do I redo a extra bedroom with no real money ?

Alvin L
by Alvin L

Well it’s mainly the carpet it’s ruined so I need to rip it out. I need to put something back down but I kinda have no money so I need to go as cheap as possible but still look good. I looked into the cheapest carpet/ vinyl / wood flooring!! It’s all out of my price range right now! Does anyone have an very cheap ideas to redo the bedroom floor? Any ideas are appreciated

thanks Alvin L

  7 answers
  • Amanda Amanda on Jul 27, 2018

    Hi Alvin. Sometimes you can find remnants of carpet that is left over from other jobs at flooring stores, or even local hardware stores. I would inquire. I also look for close out sales on tile at local home improvement stores. You can even ask for the manager and see if they would go any lower on the price. If they really need to get rid of it they will. Good Luck!

  • Gk Gk on Jul 27, 2018

    How about a paper bag floor! Or--maybe you can just stain and poly your floor or paint it with floor paint if what you see under the carpet is plywood. Also--sometimes on Craiglist you can find carpeting in good condition that has been removed from a home or business. Hope you can find something to fit your budget!

    • Alvin L Alvin L on Sep 16, 2018

      Yes I kinda like the idea. Not 100% sure what I’m going to do? Thank you

  • Chris Chris on Jul 27, 2018

    A friend stained the underlay after drawing lines imitating the edges of seperate pieces of wood. She used black permanent markers for that. Then Varathane the entire thing and it looks like a hardwood floor. Make the "wood" pieces 5" wide for a modern, country look.

    • Alvin L Alvin L on Sep 16, 2018

      Thank you but I even had some bad spots in the subfloor also but a good idea if it wasn’t messed up.

  • Bmc32329754 Bmc32329754 on Jul 27, 2018

    Clean the carpet and then dye it. You can only go darker but it would hide the stains. There are special products for dyeing carpets. I have never done this but is apparently quite easy to do.

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    • Alvin L Alvin L on Sep 16, 2018

      Thanks but the carpet was too far gone had to take it up. Got a lot of ideas from helpful people like you on here so I have some options got to figure out the cheapest and best idea

  • Rosalie Peck Rosalie Peck on Jul 28, 2018

    I painted the floor after removing carpeting with porch and deck enamel it took a while to dry.but is okay. I also crochet area rag rugs, using strips of old t-shirts but any fabric can work. My grandmother made one large enough to cover a 9x12 room! I prefer smaller ones in high traffic areas.

    • Alvin L Alvin L on Sep 16, 2018

      Thank you I might end up painting it but I do have some floor repairs also it got so wet in two different places that I need to replace or fill up the bad spots.

  • Emily Emily on Jul 28, 2018

    I love painted floors. Easy to do, long wearing, easy to clean.

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  • Carrie Carrie on Jul 28, 2018

    Pallets are free just about everywhere. Makes great flooring

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    • Alvin L Alvin L on Sep 16, 2018

      True you can do so much with pallets but I’m having trouble finding ones that aren’t beaten up so bad that they are almost worthless. Thank you for the idea.