How do I decorate my freshly painted guest bathroom?

by Mel

I very recently painted my guest bathroom. How should I decorate it, to make it lush and inviting?

The color is Sherwin Williams, Modern Coral.

  4 answers
  • Emily Emily on Jul 27, 2018

    Thats a very beautiful color, but a very definite one. I would buy towels and shower curtain that have that color in them. Decorate the space with large natural sponges and some real coral to emphasize your paint color, buy some prints of the sea and make an arrangement on that nice blank wall you have. To make it look "lush" get three or four beautiful big thick towels and display them folded on a wall hung shelf. Add some shells and some bottles of sand.

    • Mel Mel on Jul 27, 2018

      Hi Emily, and thanks for your great ideas! Here's my shower curtain, whadya think?

      comment photo
  • Dfm Dfm on Jul 27, 2018

    You need to let the paint cure throughly before putting any thing on the walls. I’ve hung picture frames and had them stick to the wall, had to pry them off. You could do a theamed bath, say a seashell motifs,etc. or just put up towels on the towel bars.niethe of my baths are huge, i can stand in the middle of the bath and have my palms flat on the aposing walls. When I did have a guest bath, I left a stack of bath towel, hand towel and washcloth, a jar of bath salts, or bubble bath And a new bar of soap On the counter.

    • Mel Mel on Jul 28, 2018

      Good Morning, Thanks for the great ideas. A themed bath sounds great as well.

  • Ginny Ginny on Jul 28, 2018

    You need to pop the color with more bright white and maybe a candle in turquoise And/Or a trash can. Also consider grey towels to pick up the color in the shower curtain and then the turquoise . I like color. Bring home several towels and see what you like best, then take back what you don't like. It's fun to decorate!

    • Mel Mel on Jul 28, 2018

      Good Morning! Thank you for those great ideas. I'll play around with them.

  • Dee Quinette Dee Quinette on Jul 31, 2018

    I would use solid color yellow and turquoise towels and some splashes of white and accessories, candles, soaps etc. , in those colors also.......have fun with it !