How to paint and stencil a ceramic tile floor?

by Lynne
  2 answers
  • Denise Hardy Denise Hardy on Jul 30, 2018

    Hi - there are lots of websites and videos to enable you to paint and stencil your tiled floor - here are a couple for you:- - this is from a very well known Stencil company called Royal Design Studio Stencils - where you can also purchase stencils. This site gives you loads of ideas on how to stencil floors etc - good luck

  • Judith Judith on Jul 30, 2018

    I bough huge stencils from ikea, prepped the surface tile first, stencilled the silver I wanted, let it cure for 24 hours then put a poly top coat. It's in my busiest bathroom and so fa, 6 months, don't need to fix anything. The stencils I bought were 20 inches so in no time at all the place was finished. I didn't use a roller I used the med stencil brushes.