How do i go about making a dog bed

by Dolliedoll

Seen some really different handmade dogs beds.. I want to give this a try for my baby Dollie doll a miniature yorkie?

  4 answers
  • B'Ahava Designs B'Ahava Designs on Aug 02, 2018

    Wooden crates either from Home Depot or free from your friendly liquor store manager/owner can be great for this purpose. I have gotten many wine crates for free. I would sand them down to smooth out the wood, especially the sharp corners. Then u can u can put in blankets, towels, pillows or any combination of these.

  • 2818713 2818713 on Aug 02, 2018

    This one is really cute and has a full tutorial:

  • Kim Shiff Kim Shiff on Aug 02, 2018

    I’ve made dog beds out of old dresser drawers and vintage suitcases. Super easy and you can customize them any way you’d like to 😊. Just add furniture feet to the bottom of an old drawer, paint it and add pillows/blankets to the inside. For a vintage Suitcase - you can take the top off and use the bottom for the bed (adding feet to it if you want to) or you can keep it together and cut out an opening in the top (giving you a deeper bed - that’s what I did in the pic). You can find suitcases and drawers at thrift stores/garage sales for practically nothing, and use old sheets/pillows/fabric to make the interiors!

  • 17335038 17335038 on Aug 03, 2018

    Thrift stores often have these kinds of hexagon end tables. They can be repurposed into sturdy and cute pet beds.