What is the cheapest way to build a chicken coop?

by Deu14806235
  3 answers
  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Aug 08, 2018

    Here's some that were made out of pallets :)

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  • Jojo Jojo on Jun 30, 2020

    I have never before raised chickens, and I have never built anything in my life, but I needed a chicken coop and I didn’t have the funds for a store bought one. A quick Google search brought me to Building a Chicken Coop by Bill Keene 🐔🏠.

    Bill promised to simplify the process of building a chicken coop from scratch and provide all the information I would need to successfully keep my own chickens.

    Most importantly Mr. Keene provides a 60 day money back guarantee, which made the purchase risk free. Either it was everything he promised or I got my money back.

    He also includes lots of bonus material, I was really excited about bonus number four, a pdf file titled: The Cheapest Materials to Build Your Coop Out Of.

    It all sounded ideal for my needs, and I ordered right away.

    It was just what I needed, and it sounds like you do too!

    Here's a link to his site. Good luck! It's not too hard once you know what to do :)