How to build a shelf covering my washer and dryer?

by Gah8085094
  5 answers
  • Kay Kay on Aug 08, 2018

    We bought a piece of laminate counter top and put it on supports on the side walls. Our w and d fit in a cubby made for them. The counter top is a bit short, but the built up "back splash" adds a nice finishing touch. We did not permanently secure out so, we can remove it if we need to work on the w or d.

  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Aug 08, 2018

    Best way is get some L brackets from hardware and a stud finder. Locate the wall studs and use nails or large screws to attach the L brackets. Most have a hole near end that you can use to attach a board for your shelf. 1/2 to 1 inch thick will make for good support for heavy bottles and boxes.

  • 16999903 16999903 on Aug 08, 2018

    We used the heavy duty wire racks that are coated with plastic. I like them because I can put coat hangers on them to hang clothes right out of the dryer. HD or Lowes carries them in different sizes and depths. They come with sturdy supports.

  • Eileen McTiernan Eileen McTiernan on Aug 08, 2018

    Hi, we used L shaped brackets and a white formica shelf to create a shelf that allowed the Washer lid to still open. Our setup is behind bi-fold doors so the area is multi-purpose and I'm including photos for you. We have a cabinet above, then the shelf over the w/d. In between the w/d there's space for my step stool. On the left is a 3 section laundry sorter and trash can. On the right I keep an ironing board and since there is an outlet, I keep the hand vac and shredder along with a small electric screwdriver plugged in. n each side, there are drying racks - one for hand dryables and the other for hanging clothes. Good luck to you!

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  • Libbie B Libbie B on Aug 08, 2018

    We made a very simple cover with 2 x 4's it was easy and I LOVE how it looks. Make sure you boards are not warped. Here it is if you'e like to see: