Recover the arms of a upholstered bench my cat has ruined ?

Kelli Anderson
by Kelli Anderson

I have a custom made storage bench

thay is upholstered. Both the front arms are shredded from my cat and I need to cover it. I wanted to use a solid black fabric with silver round metal tack head trim. What’s the best/easiest way to go about this?

  2 answers
  • Alice Alice on Aug 09, 2018

    I could be wrong Kelli, but I would think it would be a fairly simple project. Without looking at it, I would just simply take off the fabric on the arms and use that as a pattern for your new fabric.

    I found a video that might help. One should help with the arms & the other should help with the tacks...

  • Lina Splichal Lina Splichal on Aug 09, 2018

    Remove the original pieces by separating them at the seams. Use them to cut new pieces from fresh fabric. Keep track of the pieces as you take them apart so that you can sew the new pieces back together in the same way. Once you have the fabric in place you can pount the metal tacks in for your trim.