How to get gutters clean?

Nancy Dunlap
by Nancy Dunlap

Trying to get black streaks/stains off of gutters... I have tried power washing, Krud Kutter and a couple other OTC cleaners and nothing worked.... I don't know if it's mold or mildew or whatever "baked" on there over many years..... thanks for any help.....

  5 answers
  • Nan W. Nan W. on Aug 10, 2018

    I sprayed Tilex on my gutters with good results. (Wear old clothing and eye protection.)

    • See 1 previous
    • Nan W. Nan W. on Aug 10, 2018

      my gutters were painted

  • Patty Patty on Aug 10, 2018

    use Wet and Forget. It will come off little by little without all the work.

    • Nancy Dunlap Nancy Dunlap on Aug 10, 2018

      I did have success with this on some outdoor furniture but tried on gutters and it didn't seem to work..... maybe I'll get some more and keep trying. thanks

  • Janet Janet on Aug 10, 2018

    I feel your pain. I've used the pressure washer too and bleach with no luck. The bleach lightened it a bit but it's still there. They look so awful this way. I wonder if the only alternative is painting them?

  • Lynn Lynn on Aug 10, 2018

    I've had this one siding as well. Its as if the stains just penetrates so deep into the gutters that its nearly impossible to remove. The only thing I can think to try is a magic eraser. I assume you used bleach as one of your OTC attempts. I'll be curious to see if someone else has any ideas. I found I just had to get the stains as light as I could, but nothing got rid of it completely. There weren't magic erasers around when I had the problem, so don't know if that would have worked or not. But after all, they are 'magic', lol!!

    • Nancy Dunlap Nancy Dunlap on Aug 10, 2018

      did try Tilex on a small section and after scrubbing it seemed to work pretty well, although bottle says not to use on aluminum... I assume that's what the gutters are but maybe if I use that and then rinse it really well...

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Aug 10, 2018

    Hello Nancy

    I have found that cooktop cleaner and a magic sponge eraser works on my white vinyl rail- grayish film and stains. It might work on a gutter too. If you have some on hand it might be worth a try.

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