How can you remember all the names of your flowers :) Help please?

This plant is about three feet tall and has very delicate bell shaped flowers on the spike. Could someone tell me what it is please? I have had it for years and it comes back each year.

  15 answers
  • Vic15720287 Vic15720287 on Aug 14, 2018

    Looks like Foxglove or Digitalis...

  • Jill Hilbert Jill Hilbert on Aug 14, 2018

    You could use popsicle sticks with their names on them and tuck them behind where they are planted, so only you can see them!

  • LNIX LNIX on Aug 14, 2018

    But it could also be a phlox or larkspur, both are self-seeding annuals.

  • SM SM on Aug 14, 2018

    I use Knives - like regular kitchen/butter knives to mark plants that I may not remember are there. You could paint or engrave on them.

  • Deanna R Deanna R on Aug 14, 2018

    I agree with Vic15720287 on Foxglove. Some do get up to 5 feet tall, so 3 is not out of the question...

  • Rock-Cleveland Rock-Cleveland on Aug 14, 2018

    Looks like a Rudy Begonia. Its a red meat eater, careful.

  • Mary from Idaho Mary from Idaho on Aug 14, 2018

    Possibly Foxglove but it's hard to tell without seeing the leaves. Here's a good site to compare though:

    • Sylvia Smothers Lawing Sylvia Smothers Lawing on Aug 14, 2018

      These leaves on my Foxglove are fat, if you look at my other discussion picture of the tall plant's leaves, they are slender, and it grows close to the ground.

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  • It is most definitely Foxglove. I have some too. They do come back every year, but also drop lots of tiny seeds on the ground, making new plants for next year, altho typically new plants don't bloom the 1st year. For plant markers I like using small rocks/stones & painting the name on the rock. Adds beauty to the flower garden as well. 😀

  • Carol Carol on Aug 14, 2018

    I put together a Landscaping book (see pics). All items I got from Dollar Tree, including the markers.

    1st picture is the cover of the 3 ring binder. 2nd pic is a picture of the loose-leaf paper I wrote all the names on with a corresponding color symbol for the 3rd pic which is a map of the area where I have the plantings. I have my yard divided into six different sections.The 4th pic are some tab dividers where I keep all the plant tags that came with the plants and/or pics I have taken of my plants.

    If you can see in the 2nd pic, each section of my garden is kept in the 2 pocket striped, plastic file folder.

    This whole book comes in very handy to take with me when I go to look for plants to buy.

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  • Sylvia Smothers Lawing Sylvia Smothers Lawing on Aug 14, 2018

    This is a photo of the leaves of this plant

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  • San33942898 San33942898 on Aug 14, 2018

    I have one of those flowers & would like to also know what it is. It has really pretty flowers but really multiples. Thanks

  • Cindy Cindy on Aug 14, 2018

    Hi Sylvia. I'm Cindy. I agree that your plant is a foxglove. So delicate and pretty. The bell shaped blooms attracts humming birds. Best of luck to you.

  • Sylvia Smothers Lawing Sylvia Smothers Lawing on Aug 14, 2018

    So there are foxgloves with tiny bell shaped flowers? I say that because my Foxgloves are very different from this plant. Did you see the leaves in the picture above? Here is my Foxglove- it is short , about a foot tall, this plant is about three feet tall. And, the bells on my Foxglove are about two inches long -not tiny.

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    • Hi Sylvia! I still feel confident it is Foxglove. Foxglove comes in many varieties, including dwarf Foxglove. Some have slender narrow leaves & others leaves are wider. Some have smaller flowers while others have larger flowers. The colors/sizes of both the leaves & flowers depend on the variety you have. (I used to manage a garden center so I feel pretty confident it is indeed Foxglove). A side note I didn't know is that Foxglove, used correctly, has many medicinal qualities...however, used incorrectly, it can be fatal. Hope this helps. Happy Gardening! 😊

  • Pam1418628 Pam1418628 on Sep 13, 2018

    It kind of looks like a False Dragonhead to me....I went out to compare your picture to my plant, but it was night time so all the flowers were closed. ....are the leaves about 2 or 3 inches long, about 1/2 inch wide with notches?

  • Mindshift Mindshift on Sep 13, 2018

    I agree with Pam1418628. False Dragonhead (Physostegia) blooms in the fall, whereas foxglove blooms spring into summer. Sylvia Smothers gives a good photo of the leaves. The flowers grow on all sides of the stem, and when physically pointed in another direction will stay, giving them their other common name Obedient Plant.