How do I paint cabinet tops

Jenny Fleming
by Jenny Fleming

Hello! Thank you very much for your help! I am a renter. I have lived in the same place for 15 years. I doubt that they even know what the original countertops even look like. In my bathroom there is this God awful burgundy countertop. I would like to turn it into a marble countertop just by painting it. How would I do that? Thank you very much and have a great day!

  6 answers
  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Sep 03, 2018

    Hi Jenny,

    First make sure you have the approval of your landlord. While they not even know what the original countertops looked like, protect yourself by getting their approve in writing. Here's one tutorial showing how to create a faux marble countertop with regular paint. There are also kits available from Giani but they tend to cost more. It's up to you which method you want to use. The most important part of your project is to make sure that you do all of the prep work. Skipping the cleaning or lightly sanding can lead to failure so take your time. Wishing you success with your project! - Linda

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Sep 03, 2018

    if It’s plasric laminate, then buy a plastic laminate coating system, in two similar shades. Then you’ll need to be skilled in painting a marble effect. Granite is easier to emulate. Prep work will be critical.

    • Jenny Fleming Jenny Fleming on Sep 03, 2018

      Thank you so much Cheryl for your answer. Yes prep work is going to be an issue. Have a great week!

  • Sally Alter Sally Alter on Sep 03, 2018

    Yes, burgundy does sound rather dull. If you like marble counter tops it is surprisingly easy to transform a room for very little money. I have never done any DIY before, but recently I painted my counter tops with Gianni Counter Top Paint Kit and I now have such beautiful counter tops I can't stop admiring them.

    You can order this paint kit online ($79) read the great reviews on Amazon, see amazing photos of what other people have done, and watch many how-to videos. The kit comes complete with everything you need and the instructions are simple. They make a kit called White Diamond (I think) which has the effect of marble.

    If you don't find what you are looking for with Gianni go to UTube and watch the many how-to videos on painting marble counter tops.

    I am sure you would have great fun doing this project as I did.

    • Jenny Fleming Jenny Fleming on Sep 03, 2018

      Thank you so much Sally! That seems to be a very good road to take. Have a great day!

  • Joanne lueke Joanne lueke on Sep 03, 2018

    Here is one suggestion you might consider, just because it is removable. It can be purchased online at Amazon, is easy to apply and comes in granite or marble, no painting required.

    • Jenny Fleming Jenny Fleming on Sep 03, 2018

      I like this idea. I have been looking for an idea such as this for a while. I know that I will need help because I am challenged when it comes to doing anything like this. Thank you so much for your time! Have a good day!

  • Paul Dempsey Paul Dempsey on Sep 03, 2018

    There are a number of paint and epoxy products available on the market today to refinish a countertop. Many are easier to use than others.

    • Jenny Fleming Jenny Fleming on Sep 03, 2018

      Thank you very much Paul. My best friend's last name is Dempsey. I liked the idea. I will look into it. Have a great week!

  • It is super easy to paint your kitchen cabinets with Dixie Belle.

    Step one : Clean with White Lightning

    Step two : Paint one to two coats of Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral paint

    Step Three : Use Gator Hide for a water resistant finish.

    I am attaching some kitchens that have been painted with Dixie Belle Paint so you can see the outcome.

    Also, we did have a series of LIVE videos on a step by step tutorial of how to paint your kitchen cabinets. If you would like to watch them....

    Day one :

    Day two :

    Day three:

    Day four:

    Teri - If you ever need help or have any questions you can feel free to call us at 813-909-1962 during business hours. We have a full staff here eager to help you!

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