How can I cement artificial flowers in a pot?

by Lha4799965

So as not be removed?

  6 answers
  • Are you sure you want to do that? What happens when the flowers get tattered and filthy? Florist foam or clay will work just as well. Here are more tricks:

  • Alison Bulick Gilroy Alison Bulick Gilroy on Sep 08, 2018

    Well I have never done. But it seems if you weight them down with rocks ( washed!) you could then use plaster of Paris or what is the-medium, mastix? Hope this helps! Hope another Helper answers! Good luck!

    • Lha4799965 Lha4799965 on Sep 09, 2018

      Thanks. Need something with weight and not removable.

      visited husbands grave site and the artificial flowers I have been putting there were gone but they left the pot. Fresh flowers do not last and the kangaroos eat them.

  • Erin Bailey Stillman Erin Bailey Stillman on Sep 09, 2018

    A pourable epoxy would work. Many are clear and would also work in vases, like you sometimes see in restaurants, where it simulates water. Home Depot or Lowes should have a cheap one, just ask an apron!

  • Tere Tere on Sep 09, 2018 or you can mix your own >

  • Tere Tere on Sep 09, 2018

    Ooops, Ignore that grouting video. I meant to send this!

  • Alison Bulick Gilroy Alison Bulick Gilroy on Sep 19, 2018

    Lol! May I make a suggestion to any hometalker with a question? Make a post like its intent is a question. But really just tell us all a plan youre about to start on a project you arent really sure what to use and/or do. But write it as if you do! 😃

    Then you'll be sure to get many many replies! Human nature it seems to me is such that a lot of the time we'll scroll right past questions even if we know the answer! But if a statement is made that we believe is inaccurate?? BOOM!! We arecomplelled to say to the person who posted the "plans", no you are mistaken! Lol SMH