What is a good, safe way to get stinky smells out of old sink drains?

by Sukee

I’m having to clean out my parent’s home & when water goes down the sinks in the bathroom & kitchen, well, P-U! Stinky stink is emitted & I need to use something to try & eliminate the odor. I feel like I want something not chemically harsh or harmful because the pipes are old. Thanks!

  11 answers
  • Vinegar and bicard. Put half cup of bicard down the sink and add a cup of vinegar and leave it sit for about 15 minutes. Fill the sink with hot water and when the sink is full pull out the plug. The bicard and vinegar react and fizz up loosening all the gunk and the hot water flushes it away.

    • Sukee Sukee on Sep 17, 2018

      That’s a remedy I’d thought of....thanks!🌸

  • Lynn Frazel Flaherty Lynn Frazel Flaherty on Sep 17, 2018

    Yes to the above - baking soda and vinegar. Or GreenGoblin cleans it too. Which I think is baking soda and vinegar in a powder form.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Sep 17, 2018

    If there is a disposal, put cut sections of real lemons (not just lemon juice since the peels are so important here) down, followed by a box of baking soda and let it run with water for a few minutes.

    If no disposal, mix lemon juice with baking soda to make a paste and let this sit in the drain (don't let it dry out ) and then flush it down with water.

  • Old grouchy granny Old grouchy granny on Sep 17, 2018

    First get a gadget from the hardware store (plastic,cheap) that has sharp "teeth" on each side and push that down the drain, pull out carefully (it will make a mess so cover nearby surfaces). Keep you face out of the line of fire, then pull the gadget out carefully. It will bring up the hair, soap scum, etc, that is rotting and causing the odor. I would do this before using Anita's tried and true method of vinegar and bicarb, which should really clean up the left behind goo. I use boiling water(not just hot out of the tap) to wash down the bicarb/vinegar.

    • Sukee Sukee on Sep 17, 2018

      I wondered about a gizmo from the hardware store.... thanks!🌸

  • Pamela Pamela on Sep 17, 2018

    Also could be an issue with an old hot water heater, if it hasn't been drained in a while, it could cause that stink !

    • Sukee Sukee on Sep 17, 2018

      Hmmmmm🤔 hadn’t thought of that. The water quality seems ok, but not sure. I’m guessing it hasn’t been drained 🌸thanks

  • Amanda Amanda on Sep 27, 2018

    Hello. I put baking soda down mine and then wash that down with vinegar. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes then dump boiling water down the drain. Good Luck!

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Sep 27, 2018

    I also do the same as Amanda, it will clean the pipes really well. The thing I use for the hair in the tub and bathroom sink is about two feet long, flat and has barbs on it to catch the hair. Take out all you can, then use the vinegar/baking soda and boiling water rinse. It has worked really well for me.

  • Bren Did Bren Did on Sep 28, 2018

    You can buy enzime cleaner that is green and "eats" away at the build up! Vinegar is a good temporary solution or a hot water/salt flush. Here's more detailed info: https://brendid.com/how-to-naturally-clean-a-clogged-drain/

  • Rita Ingram Rita Ingram on Sep 28, 2018

    Try baking soda, but you might need a brush for the disposal side.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Sep 03, 2024

    Here is a post that might help, scroll down to the part about sinks - https://chascrazycreations.com/unclog-drains-toilets-with-out-plunging/

  • Deb K Deb K on Sep 03, 2024

    Hello Sukee, to prevent cracking the porcelain, fill the sink with hot water to heat up the porcelain first then boil a kettle of water, pour the boiling water down the drain. Follow that with adding 1 full cup of baking soda, follow that with pouring in 2 cups of vinegar. Leave this to sit for 1 hour before using this sink.

    For stainless or other materials no need to preheat.