What should I put on top of Chaulk paint for a seal ?

Do I use wax, varnish, poly urethane? I would love some advice . Painting bathroom vanity.

  4 answers
  • Wax is a popular sealer for chalk paint, but it does need to be reapplied periodically. Polyurethane can be used, but, over time it will yellow. Polycrylic is water-based and will not yellow.

  • Everything Pretty Everything Pretty on Sep 17, 2018

    I used this polycrylic on my table and chairs. It's low odor and has held up for two years. There are several finishes, so you can have a high gloss or a matte

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Sep 17, 2018

    On my chalk painted kitchen cabinets I used a clear Polycrylic sealer. On furniture I usually wax it to a shine. It really depends how sealed you need it. I find wax sealer needs to be reapplied after a while.

  • It really depends on the brand of Chaulk paint you use. Our Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paint does not need a sealer. It has a beautiful finish and once cured its not going anywhere. If you give a quick buff after you paint, its silky smooth. I have pieces in my office that I have never sealed and look great. I am attaching a piece that was not sealed. If you do decide to use a top coat, we definitely recommend a polyacrylic versus a polyurethane. Our Poly's are water based. We have a few different ones depending on what you need...a Flat look, a high gloss sheen or a satin. Then we have our tough Gator Hide which gives a water resistant finish. Also, a lot of people like to wax which will give a nice different look. It really depends on your preference. There is really no right or wrong. Teri  www.dixiebellepaint.com If you ever need help or have any questions you can feel free to call us at 813-909-1962 during business hours. We have a full staff here eager to help you!

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