How do I measure shelving for 3 different types of use?

Mary Drouse
by Mary Drouse

How do I measure for shelving in my basement. I need approx. 8 feet in length and about 4 feet high in 3 different areas. I do silk floral arrangements so I have to have some type of containers incorporated for the long stems of the flowers. The other shelf unit would be for sewing and yarn supplies. I sew for my grandchildren and great grandchildren I also chrochet for them. Shelf unit three woul be used for fabrics. Thank you for your help. Mary

Long stem floral

  7 answers
  • Gradmama Gradmama on Sep 20, 2018

    Adjustable shelving may be your answer. In the shelving departments long metal strips to fasten to the walls, then use appropriate brackets and shelves to suit your purposes. I used the white wire shelves in my pantry and laundry room, and it works fine, although I would prefer wood shelves. There are also various attachments for special shelving arrangements.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Sep 20, 2018

    It sounds like you already have the measurements. I think your best bet would be to get shelving that is free standing with adjustable heights. If you are looking for a good deal, check Lowe's & Home Depot each for their deals. They will put them on sale randomly at a great mark down.

  • Dfm Dfm on Sep 20, 2018

    at a big box diy, I found a metal shelving system that needed very little tools to put to gether. Almost none. The different pieces friction fitted the up rights and the shelves had hangers on them. Let me grab a picture can get taller...but my basement ceiling is low.

    comment photo
  • Sue Sue on Sep 21, 2018

    Measure twice with a proper measuring tape, cut once. Ready made will not work for you. Simple build using 1x2 strapping with plywood shelving screwed together works well. Did my store room and craft shelves that way. This method allows you to set shelf height and is sturdy.

  • Michael Michael on Sep 21, 2018

    I agree with DFM, get the 6 foot tall units with 6 steel shelves(4 ft. wide by 6 ft. tall by 18 in. deep unit) they also come with wheels so they can be rolled around. They are industrial strength. Price at $100 each. Go together super fast and the shelves can adjust every inch. You can not buy good plywood at that price and you need no holes in your walls. No extra brackets or supports needed. I have 6 and love them.

  • Mary Drouse Mary Drouse on Sep 21, 2018

    Thank you all. The suggesttions first eel shelving are great.

  • Emily Emily on Sep 21, 2018

    My daughter also works with artificial flowers (wreaths) and she has a very small workroom, she also is a costumer so she needs space for that too. I prefer the shelving that has metal strips and then snap it shelf supports, they are very adaptable to changes in height. However if I were working with flowers like this (and what I do with those I do have) would be to store them horizontally, by laying the container on its side and then placing the flowers in them, so I could remove blossoms without taking down whole container. You have a lovely nice clean wall to hang your shelves on and then a counter underneath (maybe made out of a hollow core door or two) to make your arrangements on. Many years ago a friend gave me a 4' X 8' plywood sheet with a framework that makes it a table. My husband added a shelf under this for storage and I use the table top for ironing (made my self a 3' X 4' ironing board) and present wrapping and projects. If you have room that would be handy for cutting out pattern pieces and of course your flower arranging. Good luck with what you do!