Planting citrus trees in CA.

by Theresa

I planted seeds from lemons and oranges and have them growing on the window sill. When is the right time to plant them outside in Northern California?

Is their any other nutrients I should be giving the plants, other than the citrus potting soil I used?

  2 answers
  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Sep 21, 2018

    I would check with your local nursery.

  • How far north are you? I am in Zone 9. How big are the trees? The photo on the right was taken January 25th. Repottted and the second photo was taken September 13th. I feed citrus food once a month. I have another baby lemon about 2" tall in a pot. When and if it ever cools down, I will move to a protected area over the winter and will repot again in the spring. I am keeping in pots for now as I am considering a move and want to take with me, then place in ground at the new location.

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