What should I do with this wall?

Alisa Inman
by Alisa Inman

I'd like to incorporate some modern farmhouse touches to this wall in our living room? Any ideas?

  5 answers
  • Mona Blake Mona Blake on Oct 08, 2018

    Barn wood shelves and a barnwood chair rail.

  • Pat Rios Pat Rios on Oct 08, 2018

    I like the blue wall. I would change just a few things. The way it is now, it seems your armchair is the focal point of the room.

    A simple idea could be move the armchair out of that place and add a nice sideboard or dresser between your bookcases. Then lower the mirror until its top is about 6 inches above the top of your sideboard.

    Here is an inspiration picture with that layout.

    Good luck!

    comment photo
  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Oct 08, 2018

    How about paint it a nice navy blue or dRker blue to accent the lighter blue then get a big picture

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Oct 08, 2018

    Hello Alisa,

    Have you considered a shiplap accent wall?

    Some of the big box hardware stores in my area are now stocking the shiplap strip panels.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Oct 09, 2018

    Tobacco basket

    Set of wooden arches

    Cotton wreath