How to reupholster a boat?

by Con34175493

I am look at how to reuphloster the seat on a boat

  6 answers
  • Betty Albright-Bistrow Betty Albright-Bistrow on Oct 09, 2018

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Oct 09, 2018

    Find the vinyl or whatever weather proof fabric you want and use the old cover as a template. Hubby and I bought a fishing boat, motor and trailer real cheap and redid all the wood flooring and carpet. I thought I was going to have to redo all the vinyl on the various cubbies, etc., but the cleaned up like new. They all were covered in dirt and mildew and looked horrible. I used a cheap orange oxy cleaner I found at home depot and used a Mr. Clean Magic eraser and they easily came clean. Did the same with the seats and they turned out great, too.

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Oct 09, 2018

    If you can remove the seat or bench it will be much easier. If you get overwhelmed, just take to an upholsterer.

  • Cindy Cindy on Oct 09, 2018

    Hi Con. I'm Cindy. I did a fair amount of reading on this issue and learned this: If possible, remove the chairs, benches, decking, etc., It will make your reupholstering project so much easier.

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Oct 09, 2018

    Try to get the seat off see how it’s cov.erd could you tack it on the bottom

  • 17335038 17335038 on Oct 10, 2018

    If you decide to reupholster the seats yourself, you will need some specific sewing tools and notions.

    • teflon presser foot for sewing vinyl
    • heavy duty quality brand machine needles capable of penetrating through at least two layers of the vinyl (suggested size #18)
    • marine grade boat seat thread (UV and mildew resistant)

    Simply tucking in the vinyl around the seats with staples is inadequate. It is important that the seat cushion be fully enveloped in the vinyl cover. If not, water can easily seep into the foam inside, resulting in rotting and deterioration.

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