How to craft my clear wine bottles with my Pink sand?

by MizGG

I have some clear wine bottles and some pink craft "sand"...I need to make them very unique.. Help!!!!...

  3 answers
  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Oct 12, 2018

    You could try mixing the sand with mod podge or watered down glue and paint it on using stencils .

  • Rebecca Taylor Rebecca Taylor on Oct 12, 2018

    Hello, here is a picture of what you could do and add the sand on or in it too. All you would need is to paint it and decoupage some pretty paper on it and then add on your pink sand. After you do it you could put a wick and oil in it or have a couple of pretty flowers in it.

    comment photo
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Oct 13, 2018

    I used my pink sand with succulents to make faux planters for my patio table, for a house warming gift, and for a collection of rocks in a rustic looking bucket . You could put small white shells in the bottles along the edges and mix with the pink sand or just on top the pink sand. You could use the pink sand to decorate the outside by using ModPodge on the outside and rolling the bottle in sand and use oil to make a light out of the bottle or use a string of mini LED lights in it (that would be so pretty!)