How do I clean soap scum on silestone countertops in the bathroom?

by Sheila

(Quartz product)

  3 answers
  • Get in there with a toothbrush or something small that can get into the cracks. Not sure what the counter is made of because I think auto correct did something weird in your question but whatever cleaner is safe to use on the counter should work around the faucet with a little brush.

  • Joyce Clark Joyce Clark on Dec 05, 2018

    I use this on all my bathroom jobs I leave on for over a hour then clean off you might have to do it a second time but it does clean it

    comment photo
  • Quartz counters are very durable, and non porous, so the soap scum is only on the surface. You should be able to scrape it with a plastic putty knife, if it's super thick... then use a degreaser product that's safe for the quartz to finish breaking through the remaining soap residue.