How do I screen in an existing patio that has a roof and frame?

Sheila Keilitz
by Sheila Keilitz

I have an existing framed in patio that I would like to screen in again. Also need to make doors(2)for the same.

  4 answers
  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Dec 07, 2018

    Hello Shelia,

    Perhaps you might wish to considered the screen tight system?

    We had ours installed in 2015 -with remodel and addition- to our surprise it’s a wonderful system.

    It consists of the regular fiberglass mesh screening stuffed into an edge frame sealed with rope like stretchy spline and has a plastic snaps on Tupperware type sealing strip to cover your raw edge.

    We just repaired a huge panel after a dog excitement accident. It was pretty easy to work with. We just bought replacement screen + tub of the spline and a hand spline tool and the job was completed without much effort. I would say its diy least the repair was. It was far easier than a more old-school staple screen and cover with it with wood —system that we had a prior residence.

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  • Betty Betty on Dec 07, 2018

    Hi we also bought the screen type method. .it worked great and easier. .we had the old first. .always sagging. .we bought everything at home depot. .bought screen door at home depot. .bought a storm type pulley for the screen door so the wind wouldn't keep blowing it open . my husband also put a cat door at bottom of porch. .I really enjoy the porch when it is raining. .my two cats also love it. .hope you enjoy it. .Merry Christmas. .

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Dec 07, 2018

    You will need a frame to tack the screen to and also proper door frames for the doors. If you buy doors with the frame in the package it will be much easier to install.

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Dec 07, 2018

    Sheila, since you already have a roof, you have the hardest part done!! I hope this video is what you need.