How do I pick a coffee table to soften the living room?

by Slavens

I have a large oak entertainment center with slate tile Enlays and a matching coffee table. its so heavy looking and masculine , I'd love to soften the room. What color or style would compliment the living room? I've been searching for 2 years, help!

  10 answers
  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Dec 11, 2018

    It is difficult to see what colour is in your room. If you have a slat top to the TV, then I would chose a golden yellow. Yellows and Grey's go well together.

    The table does dominate the space. Take it out and have nest of tables between the chairs. Put a fluffy golden rug in front of TV to soften the room. Then bring other elements of the same yellow in to the room with cushions, vases and if you can go that far curtains.

  • Lisa Sinclair Lisa Sinclair on Dec 11, 2018

    Make or buy an ottoman, instead of a coffee table. The rounded upholstered edges should soften the room.

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Dec 11, 2018

    I think an ottoman in a pretty color would be a great alternative to your coffee table. Most of them come with hidden storage, you could add a tray on top or some have tops that flip over so you have a "hard side" when you want. I think this one is pretty...

    comment photo
  • Kelly Denoyer Russell Kelly Denoyer Russell on Dec 11, 2018

    I think if you painted both in a white (shabby) chalk paint it would make both pieces lighter and more feminine. I cannot see colors in that room with that picture but if you stay with white the pieces will always match. Chalk paint is very easy. The first layer freaked me out but after the second layer I was more relieved to get closer to the finished project. I used a sander on the edges and to highlight some detail and have the old color peek thru. Then wax or use a polycrylic when done. Polyurethanes can yellow. Wax requires redoing especially on surfaces down the road so I’d poly. That recliner is heavy and masculine. At the very least throw a pretty toss pillow or two on it. If you want get a garage sale table or other small piece in your house to practice on. My first piece was a $10 table I bought on a resale FB group. I love it.

  • Natalie Natalie on Dec 11, 2018

    I completely agree with getting something that is upholstered!

  • Ma Ma on Dec 11, 2018

    Yes, when you think soft, you think literally fabric or round edges. You can get a Faux or real leather bench. Use a large tray for drinks etc.

  • J Brown J Brown on Dec 11, 2018

    changing out the tiles in the coffee table, check tile places for left over pieces

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Dec 11, 2018

    Oval shape would soften the room.

    If you don't want to replace the coffee table you could paint it an ivory color and then glaze with brown. Replace the tiles or paint them, even stencil on them or cover with fabric.

  • Terifaircloth Terifaircloth on Dec 15, 2018

    if you can, find one thats round, you could paint it, or use a small electrical spool, paint & decopauge the top w/pictures & have a glass top cut to fit

  • Slavens Slavens on Dec 17, 2018

    I love the feedback, wonderful ideas that I will do soon. Thank you all so much.