How is the best way to refinish kitchen cabinets without sanding?

by Carol
  4 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 12, 2018

    Hi Carol,

    Wash them down first to get of the residue of time and let dry. Re-paint after using a good undercoat first. OR You could always use Contact or Washable wallpaper if you prefer.

  • Lori Lori on Dec 12, 2018

    I recently painted the kitchen cabinets at our lake cabin with chalk paint. No sanding. I did first clean them with a deglosser (remove dirt, grease, etc) and painted first with a primer. There's debate over need for primer with chalk paint and I chose to prime because these were 1958 era and dark, dark laminate--vinyl maybe?

  • William William on Dec 12, 2018

    You will need to do smoe fine sanding to remove any gloss. Not down to bare wood

    How to Paint Cabinets

    Make sure they are clean and dry. Remove the doors and hardware. Mark the doors and cabinets with tape where they go. Lightly sand the doors and cabinets to remove any gloss and roughen the surface for paint with 200 grit sandpaper or a green Scotch Brite pad.. Use a tack cloth or damp rag to remove dust after sanding. Prime with a stain blocking primer like KILZ. Acrylic, or water base paints are low-fume and clean up easily with water. Alkyd, or oil-base, paints require good ventilation because the paint contains solvents that can irritate your lungs and make you feel sick. Alkyd options require mineral spirits for cleanup, but they provide a hard, durable paint finish. Whichever you use, buy the best-quality paint you can afford for a lasting kitchen cabinet finish. Seal with at least three coats with a water based polyurethane. Use a small foam roller and foam brush for a smooth finish.

  • John Grimley John Grimley on Dec 12, 2018

    The latest thing seems to be to have them wrapped - much like your car but far cheaper. Talk with someone who offers Vinyl wrapping