How do I equip my greenhouses with solar powered grow bulbs?

Terrie Ramsey
by Terrie Ramsey

I wish to use solar energy to run grow bulbs inside greenhouses in order to achieve extended gardening season in central Ohio. I will have one large green house, and multiple smaller ones. I would like power storage capacity on at least the larger one.

  4 answers
  • Rynn Rynn on Dec 18, 2018

    Call Dennis at Solarcure at (800) 600-8118. He sells special lights for greenhouses. I am not sure about the "solar energy" part, but i think he could help you at least explore some options. He is a really knowledgeable guy. Best wishes!

  • Judy Judy on Dec 18, 2018

    I found this. Not sure if it’s what you need.

    • See 1 previous
    • Judy Judy on Dec 18, 2018

      Ahh ok let me see what I can find. Unless you know a marijuana grower and ask them! Ha!

  • Judy Judy on Dec 18, 2018


  • Dfm Dfm on Dec 18, 2018

    solar power is stored in batteries, its gathered by the solar panels, you may need an inverter to use dc current/ac current. I have a set of 4 panels that recharge the battery on my camper. you need to contact the company that makes the panels-they will calculate how many panels should light your greenhouse up. it can be pricy. you need to check local codes as well. most solar farms in my area are out in the "boondocks" if you have the space, the panels can be mounted on a rotator device to follow the sun,