How can I get rid of little white moths?

by Lori

They are in our wardrobes and rooms they are actually eating my sons carpet

  5 answers
  • Oliva Oliva on Dec 19, 2018

    You'll need to remove everything from wardrobes and son's room. Vacuum out every drawer and wardrobe,including crevices at back of drawers/ closets, then wash surfaces with Murphy's oil soap or similar.

    Wash or dry clean all fabrics/wools, etc.

    Vacuum mattresses thoroughly. Purchase a zippered box spring cover.

    Purchase a mattress cover that can be washed.

    Vacuum the rug thoroughly on both sides, then throw away the vacuum bag in a sealed trash bag and put it in a sealed trash container.

    You may find your clothing and linens damaged by these moths.

    I'd recommend a complete cleaning of the entire home, including closets, basement, windows, etc., as you don't know how the moths gained entry or how long they've been there. Check coat collars, pockets, hems, cuffs for hiding places.

    Purchase moth traps and place them throughout your home.

    Add lavender sachets or similar to all drawers and closets.

  • Linda Cabler Linda Cabler on Dec 19, 2018

    Simply lease some bounty softener sheets in there or place some Irish Spring soap bars in there. You can also put orange peels in there.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Dec 19, 2018

    Places like Walmart and most other stores sell the cedar pieces you can stash in the closet and other places to repel the moths that eat wool. Make sure you clean well to get rid of the moths you have. I am lucky that the house we are in has a cedar lined closet in the basement and I put wool things in there and I have a cedar chest I put all wool clothing into.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Dec 20, 2018

    The various repellents or deterrents may help to keep moths away, but Olivia is right that once they have already 'moved in', serious measures will have to be taken to get rid of them.

  • Fonda Fonda on Dec 20, 2018

    May be pantry moths? Wouldn't hurt to check your food storage area, they like grain based foods, cereal, oatmeal, stuff like that.

    Kill everyone of them you see!