How do you organize garage shelves?

by Baltes
  5 answers
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jan 03, 2019

    Put the most seldom used larger tools on the top shelves. I use bins for tools like drills, circular saw, etc. if hubby ever puts them back. We have extra shingles and floor tiles on the floor under part of the shelves and Rubbermaid type bins on the rest of the floor that hold some of our Christmas decorations. Rest of Christmas boxes are stacked against the wall with the two tree boxes on top. Larger things like our blower/vacuum/shredder and its parts are on a higher shelf. I have a storage for nuts, bolts and other small things that my dad had, it is one of those tall boxes with multiple little drawers on each level. It is also good for assorted bits for drills and screwdrivers, etc.. Once you get started, it will go easier to organize your shelves. I also utilize old kitchen cupboards for a lot of things to, I keep all the car fluids, oil for mixing in gas for yard equipment in one, gardening and smaller bird feeder supplies. I even have one for the really big pots and pans that aren't used very often that don't really fit anywhere in the kitchen cupboards and drawers. I also keep spare things for the grill and smoker in that one, like the wire brushes, etc. and citronella candles and torch fluid. It isn't very hard to fill the shelves once you start!

  • Joan Stanley Joan Stanley on Jan 03, 2019

    If you don't have shelves, build a large wooden shelf or two in front but above the hood of your car. (I do hope you put your second most valuable item in the garage). The shelf should be at least 4 feet above the floor and 3 feet deep. If there is room above that, a second shelf can be built 3 feet above that one. These shelves can be used for seasonal storage in clearly labeled and sealed containers. If you care about esthetics, you can add doors to hide the containers. There are also kits that are made to suspend from the ceiling and be raised and lowered for access.

    Put pegboard along the walls for tools for minor repairs.

  • Landsharkinnc Landsharkinnc on Jan 04, 2019

    largest/heaviest items lower down; ( safety issue with getting large/heavy items down from over your head ) storage bins with snap on lids - sterlite makes semi-transparent ones with flat lids that can be stacked;

    keep like tools together -- items for use with wood, plumbing, electrical, yard work, etc. don't but more in the bins than you can lift. Many SMALL bins are better than one huge one if it's going to hold small items --- which will always be on the BOTTOM! in a big deep bin!

    .... keep like tools together -- drills and bits; socket wrenches and attachments; etc. saws and blades; etc. and LABEL everything.

    and when you are finished with the tool, clean it appropriately and return it to it's place.

  • Kathleen austin Kathleen austin on Jan 04, 2019

    I wish you had shown pictures as this is exactly what I want! I want o see afterward and how it looked thanks

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Jan 04, 2019

    Try bins wood bins boxes laundry baskets hang up what you could