How do I divide a room?

by Lindy

I have a large area which I like to devide into two rooms. What is the cheapest way of getting it done. What type of material can I use except for building a wall.

  3 answers
  • V Smith V Smith on Jan 07, 2019

    You can buy inexpensive book shelves and wall units place them where you want to divide the space. If you buy four, have two face each space alternately. Secure them together and secure them to the cieling with straps or wire so they can't fall over. Then paint or paper the backs to coordinate with the space and stage the fronts for the new rooms.

  • Debi53 Debi53 on Jan 07, 2019

    Ikea makes a curtain rail system (I have it.) that can be mounted to the ceiling. You can then hang curtains from the ceiling to the floor. The beauty of this is that you can push the curtains back if you want to open the space or close the curtains to divide the room.

  • Lina Splichal Lina Splichal on Jan 10, 2019

    Lindy, I like to separate large rooms with furniture placement and/or a standing screen.