How do I remove the center style on a cabinet to add pull out shelves?

I have a pantry the has 2 doors with center support and I want to utilize the entire shelf to pull out.

  3 answers
  • Judy Judy on Jan 10, 2019

    Sally I did this with an older home years ago. On those cabinets I found the support was in the sides not the division. I’m not sure if they all are like this.

    I tested it by tapping it and the bottom just gave way.

    You don’t want to make more work. My famous last words, this doesn’t look too hard. Yikes!

    I hope your project goes well.

  • William William on Jan 10, 2019

    The center stile doesn't support anything. It's just ther to cover the gap when doors are closed.

  • If the center stile isn't supporting anything, then you should be able to remove it from being attached to the cabinet. Then to cover the crack between the doors, you could reattach it to the back inside of the door. This door would always have to close first so the other door could lay over that center stile.