How do you fold a suitcase full of clothes tips?

Tina House
by Tina House
  8 answers
  • Alice Alice on Jan 12, 2019

    are you are asking how to pack a lot of clothes? There are bags that can be full of clothes and then a vacuum cleaner hose is put into a valve and the air is sucked out.

    Amazing amount of clothing can be packed. Thing I had some from Bed Bath and Beyond

  • Pamela Pamela on Jan 12, 2019

    Look on You Tube. There are three main ways to do it. The roll and stuff tight. The lay flat with sleeves and other parts hanging over the edges and fold them all in at the end. The put in special storage bags and suck the air out. This might prove difficult on the return home all though there are portable pumps available. The main thing is if you stuff tight whatever method you use the clothes actually stay less wrinkled. What ever method you use be sure to put your night things on TOP!.

  • Oliva Oliva on Jan 13, 2019

    Socks and lingerie can usually fit inside shoes. Place them in plastic bags, first, or wrap in tissue paper to keep clean and conserve space.

    Shoes at outer corners of suitcase, heel to toe, facing each other. Avoid packing more than 2 pair of shoes, if you can avoid it, due to weight.

    Cosmetics and toiletries in approved T.S.A. sizes (if flying), stored in sample plastic bottles, inside tightly sealed zipper storage bags, with a larger bag on top, to contain spills.

    Slacks folded lengthwise, then in half (top to bottom). Place them atop a shirt or blouse, folding the shirt around the slacks. Fold in sleeves, then fold everything in half as you see better shirts folded in stores. Placing sets of clothes together saves time. Alternate direction of folded clothes to save space.

    Heavier weight clothing (sweaters and jackets, blue jeans) in bottom of suitcase saves many wrinkles.

    Jewelry in slim, long boxes can be secured with rubber band and placed in side pockets of suitcase. Hats with brims on top, wrapped in tissue, to prevent crushing.

    Packing only with coordinating colors limited to 2 or 3 (max) will save much space.

    Pack only a few items of lingerie that washes easily and dries rapidly.

    Place a large sturdy opaque plastic bag atop clothing or pinned to interior suitcase lid to use as a dirty laundry bag, if desired.

    Make sure you have identification in the suitcase in the event it becomes lost.

    Any expensive, irreplaceable items and 2-3 sets of clothing should be kept in an overnight carry on bag, to avoid aggravation of having to purchase replacements, in event your luggage gets lost.

    Be careful about packing metals and liquids in your suitcase, which can slow things at airport security. Avoid gel insoles, unless your air carrier now permits them.

  • Lindsay Aratari Lindsay Aratari on Jan 22, 2019

    These are some of the tips that I use when packing! They are so helpful to me so I hope they help you too!

  • Tina House Tina House on Jan 30, 2019

    I saw a quick demonstration on here acouple weeks a and now I cannot show my husband,it was soooo interesting

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Feb 08, 2019

    When we pack I roll all the clothes, they take up less room and stay unwrinkled!

  • Rolling the clothes helps to save space. Using the inside of shoes to hold items placed in zip lock bags works well.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Aug 29, 2019

    The best way is to roll your things so they do not have a chance to make creases.