How can I repair a drawer front?

Valerie Jones
by Valerie Jones

My partner made this tallboy as part of a bedroom set unfortunately he put the dowels on the wrong piece and the dowels pierced the front drawer fascia ( this is all glued ) so how can I disguise the damage ?

Damage on the front drawer right side

Damage on the front drawer left side

  6 answers
  • Lorraine Lorraine on Jan 19, 2019

    Can it be flattened? Or is there that lump? Can’t really see how it affects the drawer, are there 2 or 1? If 2 do they line up? If they can be flattened, maybe glue ribbon trim, make an interesting pattern? If they are lumps, again glue something fun to decorate them,. Ok, I just thought of something... purchase decorative screen, make a simple frame to cover edges glue on. Something like photo but simpler frame.

    comment photo
  • Ro Ro on Jan 19, 2019

    Flatten, spackle, paint

    maybe stencil a cool design

  • Em Em on Jan 19, 2019

    Use a paint brush with carpenters glue and paint as much as you can reach inside the piece that has lifted. Press down and wipe some of the excess glue with a wet rag. Lay the piece horizontal and place a piece of waxed paper on top of the glued area. Weigh it down with several bricks or a other heavy object. Let dry for a day or so. Wipe off excess glue that has seeped out and consider painting a similar but lighter or darker color from the bottom to just above the repair, or get a stencil and stencil a design to disguise the repair on the bottom to above the repair.

  • Thomas Thomas on Jan 19, 2019

    sand,chisel , make that part as smooth a possible then put another thin fascia

    over it that covers all of the draw front

  • Lisa L Hall Lisa L Hall on Jan 19, 2019

    You can gently hammer that section down. Once it's flattened, or as close as you can get it, sand the area. If you still see a ridge, add some wood filler to the cracked areas. Let it dry. Sand it again. It should be smooth and a lot flatter, if not completely flat. You'll need to paint it. I do suggest painting the entire drawer front just so there is no issue with paint matching.

  • Joanne Joanne on Jan 20, 2019

    Cant really tell from your photos, but it looks like it was punched out from the other side creating a deep impression, if so push it back . if there is a hole fill it with spackle easy to use from any big box store. sand to smooth and match paint color.