Asked on Jan 22, 2019

How do I do a small 1/2 bathroom remodel?

by Mary

I have a small half bath with a pedestal sink I want to change but the door swings in and would hit the new sink. I would like to do a pocket door or barn door but have baseboard heating where the door would go. Any ideas?

The door swings in so would have to have a very small sink

Don’t want door to swing out into family room

Would like pocket door or barn door but baseboard heater is in the way

  6 answers
  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Jan 22, 2019

    put the barn/sliding door on the outside of room in hallway eliminate problem

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Jan 22, 2019

    Good thought, but not sure you can lock a barn door, esp on outside. You can do a mini French door. Basically cutting your door in half and hinging it to the other side. The door needs to be solid, not hallow.

  • William William on Jan 22, 2019

    Barn door wouldn't work with the baseboard. If there are no electrical outlets or switches on the baseboard wall a pocket door would work. Otherwise they would need to be rerouted. The baseboard is screwed into the wall and pipes go down into the floor. You would need to be careful not to disturb them with the installation. If you have wall space on the inside of the bathroom you can install from that side.

  • Randal Randal on Jan 23, 2019

    If it were me, I would do a split folding door, making it swing to the outside. That way you are only have it halfway into your family room. Still giving you privacy and also a nice look. You can do this with two folding doors, just have to have them both on hinges on the opposite sides. I hope this helps. Not sure if I spelled hinges right, just in case there is some arrogant feed back.

  • Shelli Kisch Haipek Shelli Kisch Haipek on Jan 23, 2019

    Seeing the wall on the other side of door would have been helpful. Is there's enough room on other side for a pocket door? Pocket doors are a big expense and a pretty big project. Bi folding doors and barn doors offer visual privacy but not sound privacy, so be aware when choosing a bathroom door ...

  • DMD DMD on Jan 23, 2019

    Check slim vanity/sink on IKEA