How to make hummingbird feeder?

Bogey's mom
by Bogey's mom

How do you make a hummingbird feeder from a wine bottle?

  4 answers
  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Jan 22, 2019

  • Mogie Mogie on Jan 22, 2019

    Clean out the inside of a wine bottle that features a 3/4-inch or smaller opening.

    Fill the empty wine bottle with store-bought hummingbird nectar.

    Insert a hummingbird feeder tube into the wine bottle’s opening. These plastic tubes are available in home improvement and gardening centers. Shove the end that resembles a cork into the wine bottle, and leave the cover over the other end for now.

    Wrap heavy-duty craft wire around the bottle. Starting at the point just below the bottle’s lip, wrap the craft wire around the neck at least three to four times. Continue to wrap the bottle with the wire until you reach the bottom. Leave an additional 2 to 3 feet of slack, which you'll use to create a hanger for the bottle.

    Bend the end of the wire into a hangar or loop. Secure the hangar or loop over a tree branch or shepherd's hook. Uncover the feeding tube, and watch for hummingbirds.

  • Bogey's mom Bogey's mom on Jan 22, 2019

    Thanks for your help! I plan to try this since my hummingbirds will be returning soon!