How do I organize my home before moving?

Ways to orginize a very needed home before moving to another home?

  9 answers
  • Cindy Cindy on Feb 17, 2019

    Hi Delores. It's never too early to start accumulating boxes. Boxes from xerox paper are the best because they have lids. So if you can, talk to your local schools and library, and even offices asking for boxes. Start with one room at a time. Go thru everything in that room. Make piles that include keep, garbage, and donate. Label the boxes to indicate what room they should go to. And what is in that box. Try to have all your laundry done before the move. So that you're not packing dirty laundry, especially if the new washer and drier have not been hooked up yet. And on the day of the move, get all the beds made first thing. You'll be glad you did. Delores, I hope this helps you. Good luck in your new home.

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Feb 17, 2019

    Gets lots of bins baskets crates mark them for what is in them and what room there going in or get boxes mark them by room then when you move you put those boxes in those rooms only.

  • Catherine Deirdre Rodden Catherine Deirdre Rodden on Feb 18, 2019

    Start by packing up all the off season clothing. I prefer Space Bags but boxes are just as effective. Label who it belongs to and what season it is. Next go to linen closet. Pack up all the extra towels and blankets just leave out what you know you'll need to use daily until the move. I'd then move on to knick-knacks around the house. Wrap them in newspaper or bubble wrap and box with label for room they came out of because you'll remember where things were in old house. Then start in kitchen by boxing up as much as possible but leaving out the everyday things. You can eat off paper plates and plastic utensils during the move but you'll still want coffee cups and cereal bowls kind of thing. Use up as much of your pantry items as possible rather than worry about moving them.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Feb 19, 2019

    Decluttering first will cut down on what you have to move.

  • Bushra Bushra on Aug 26, 2019

    First get rid of all the extra stuff you don't need it. Sell or donate. Then buy boxes from U haul or anywhere and make sure they are not too big and, also the same size it will really help you at the end. Label everything. Use clothes to wrap your china. These are the tips we used when we moved out of states. Good luck!


  • Joy Elizabeth Joy Elizabeth on Aug 29, 2019

    I donated, packed, or removed many of our belongings and staged the rest. It really helps to have a storage unit so you can decorate minimally and make the space appear very spacious.

  • Penineche Penineche on Sep 19, 2023

    Moving can be overwhelming, but I've been there too. My advice is to start early, gather sturdy boxes, and tackle one room at a time. Sort stuff into keep, garbage, and donate piles. Label boxes with the room and contents. Also, having laundry done before moving day is a time-saver. You can also hire to remove big things. Best of luck with your move!

  • Deb K Deb K on Sep 19, 2023

    Hi Delores, rubbermaid bins are great to store and organize household goods from bedding to kitchen and everything in between! Put masking tape on the top of each and write what contents are in it with a sharpie