How to start a small area in my back yard with potted plants?

by Vera
  3 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Feb 19, 2019

    you need to check how much sunshine the area gets, 6-8 hrs daily is optimal. you will need suppress the grass/weeds from coming up. plastic mulch film, wood chips, some saw dust will work. also consider where your water supply is- you want it close.

  • This is on the north side of my house. I put down landscape fabric then a tumbled pea type gravel. This area is getting a refresh this spring.

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  • Tere Tere on Feb 20, 2019

    Potted plants can go anywhere but of course you will need to move them everytime you mow if your putting them in a grassy area. If your looking to make an entire area of potted plants only, you will need to kill the grass ( round-up! ) then cover it with mulch or pea gravel, stones, patio pavers, etc... Have fun!