How to remove baseboards without damage?

by Andy

I am thinking of remodeling our bathrooms and that would include replacing the linoleum flooring. How do I remove the baseboards without cracking, chipping or breaking them so I can use them over again?


  5 answers
  • Zard Pocleeb Zard Pocleeb on Mar 09, 2019

    Gently tap a stiff bladed, 6-inch putty knife between the wall and the baseboard. Carefully pry the baseboard off. Start in a corner or a seam.

  • William William on Mar 09, 2019

  • Andy Andy on Mar 09, 2019

    Thank you! Awesome videos on the how to. I feel more confident now.

  • Beth Beth on Mar 10, 2019

    If your home was built before 1978, please be aware that your linoleum could contain asbestos. If you disturb it, the super-tiny fibers of carcinogenic asbestos will become airborne, and get into your lungs. Either go on top of the lino without disturbing it or have the lino tested and, if necessary, have it professionally removed.

    • Andy Andy on Mar 10, 2019

      Thanks, I did not know this. No need to worry though, built in 2010.

  • A prybar and a rubber mallet. Pry where the nails are and do it every 1-2 feet to avoid breaking the wood. Then you will need to hammer the nails out.