Do I have to use latex balloons to make candles?

by Nancy

I have a huge allergic reaction to latex, is it possible to use non latex balloons for the candles? Can you post more projects involving non latex options please?

  5 answers
  • Lynn Lynn on Mar 19, 2019

    Did you perhaps see a balloon candle craft posted here and wanted to ask your question there? I'm not sure what craft you're referring to, but if it's one where you dip an inflated candle into melted wax to create a wax Lumiere, then I'd think as long as the balloon can be popped once the wax is hardened, I'd think any balloon would work. Do you recall what type of 'candle' was created using the balloons?

  • Hometalk is an international site. They have no control over what products people use when making their own projects. Instead, try using a plastic ball - check out the dollar stores.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Mar 19, 2019

    Try going to the project post, scroll down to the bottom and there will be a question and comment section.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Mar 24, 2019

    Hi Nancy,

    If the link below is the project that you saw, you could use any kind of balloon that is safe for you to use. Just so that you know, Hometalk projects are created by members like you and me who come from all over the world. Any member can post a house or garden project on Hometalk. If you see one with an latex product you can ask on the project page if there is a substitute that is no latex. In the Ask Question section, we don't know which project you've seen unless you include the link. I hope this helps you. Wishing you the best.

  • here is an idea -