Can you repave a concrete driveway that has dropped several inches?

by Miriam

It has dropped several inched below entrance into garage opening over the years.

  4 answers
  • Suzette Suzette on Mar 22, 2019

    Hi Miriam, You must first fix the low spot. Here's a link that explains how to do this:

    And, here's a how to video to resurface your driveway:

    Hope this helps!

  • William William on Mar 22, 2019

    No. New concrete will not adhere to old concrete. If it was an inch or less a concrete resurfacing compound could be used. Cheapest solution would be to break up the dropped concrete, dig the out the area about six inches deep, put in two inches of fresh gravel, and pour new concrete. Another solution would be mud jacking the dropped concrete. That requires pro's.

  • Dsouther Dsouther on Mar 22, 2019

    Hello, There are companies where I live in North Carolina that can repair concrete driveways that have dropped. I do not know if this is a do it yourself kind of undertaking. Concrete is so expensive that you don't want to waste it.

  • Florida Beachpotato Florida Beachpotato on Mar 23, 2019

    Make it simple, apply thin layer of liquid concrete bonding agent, place the new concrete over old. Use Sakrete with small aggregate. 5 bucks a bag. Level with piece of 2x4 or trowel. Done.

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