What can be made out of tin cans for the yard?

I have a lot of #10 tin cans any outside suggestions for the yard?

  5 answers
  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Mar 23, 2019

    Luminarias? Use an awl to punch designs on the cans, then fill with an inch of sand or pea gravel and nestle a candle inside

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Mar 23, 2019


  • Cindy Cindy on Mar 23, 2019

    Hi Karen. You can make lanterns out of your cans. You can even put holes in the cans to make designs or patterns. To begin, remove the labels from the cans. Then fill them with water and freeze them overnight. Next day, remove from freezer one can at a time. Use a nail and a hammer to make holes in the cans. You could spell out words or just make a design. Afterwards put them in the sink to melt the ice. At this point you can dry them and paint them if you want to. Then put a battery operated candle in them. You can use them inside or outside.

  • Dang Nga Dang Nga on Mar 23, 2019

    Hi Karen. You can use tin cans to make Lanterns, Garden Lanterns, below some links you can watching how do.




    Hope will help you!

  • Em Em on Mar 25, 2019

    Paint bright colors and glue a seed packet to it. Spray with several coats of polyurethane and use as candle holders or planters.