What should I do with this picture/painting?

Melissa Wedel
by Melissa Wedel


I found this painting at a garage sale. I really liked the frame, although wasn't too keen on the actual painting itself.

Because I liked the frame, I bought it thinking I could do something creative with it.

But...it really doesn't match anything.

I want to keep it because it's pretty cool, so I'm wondering what I could do to it.

My Thoughts:

* Maybe use a pointed paintbrush and go over the trees and the building (barn, shed....?) And change up the colors.

* Add some mixed media to it and really think outside the box.




Thank you!

  10 answers
  • Barbara Barbara on Mar 28, 2019

    Repaint the mat a different colour ??

  • I think you have some good ideas. You could cover the canvas completely and start over with a fresh new design too.

  • Jeanette Jeanette on Mar 28, 2019

    The frame would be pretty in barn red. Pale sage for the matting. I like the picture.

    • See 1 previous
    • Jeanette Jeanette on Mar 29, 2019


  • Ann Ann on Mar 29, 2019

    You could cut the frame and picture in half - just past the ground cover on bottom left (as you face it). Then cut the right side frame section to finish the frame. I agree that painting the border part would be great (maybe even the border and the frame in contrasting colors as suggest (barn red and pale sage). I think your idea to brighten the tree foliage with a brighter and/or deeper green and the barn highlighted would make the picture more interesting. Good luck and please post what you decide to do so we can see!

    • See 1 previous
    • Ann Ann on Mar 30, 2019

      Sorry to confuse you. I thought if you liked part of the picture with the barn and trees you might want to make it smaller. Cutting the frame and picture in the middle and then using the side piece to put it together smaller was one idea. If would probably be easier to cut the picture out of the frame and make it smaller and frame that if you want to. The frame you have is certainly worth painting and using a different picture that goes well with it that you like. I kind of think outside the box some. I do think that if you decide to keep the picture you could make it more appealing. If it didn't work out you could paint over it. Whatever you do I would enjoy seeing what you decide to do with this project.

  • Alberta Coulter Alberta Coulter on Mar 29, 2019

    Maybe you could change the color of the frame and the section between the wood on the frame. It almost looks as if you have a muslin between the wooden parts of the frame. Find colors in the picture to use to paint them, so they will blend with the painting. It looks as if there is a signature on it. Is it a print or an actual painting? You might want to research the artists before you do anything to the actual picture.

    • Melissa Wedel Melissa Wedel on Mar 29, 2019

      Hi Alberta

      Yes there is muslin in between the wooden parts of the frame.

      As for signature it simply says "Steve".

      Unless that is a capitol "S" and then a last name...?? (See pic I attached)

      And yes it is an actual painting. I took angled pics so you can see the depth of paint (see pics)

      You are very observant!


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  • Tere Tere on Mar 29, 2019

    You can simply remove and replace the picture that you don't care for or paint over the pic in colors more to your liking. When I redecorated my family room and went with all new colors & decor, I wanted to still keep the pic I loved so I simply painted over areas in the pic with the new colors I was using in the room. Turned out great & was super easy to do. I used the inexpensive little 2 oz bottles of acrylic paint from the craft store. Have fun :)

    • Melissa Wedel Melissa Wedel on Mar 29, 2019

      Thank you Tere,

      Instead of removing the whole painting itself (as I would kinda feel bad bc this is someone's art they created), I'm just going to play with the colors.

      And I have a lot of the 2 oz acrylic paint as well!! Haha!

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  • Dee Dee on Mar 29, 2019

    That's such a beautiful painting . . . so serene, beautiful, reminding us of past gristmills no longer (or rarely) functioning -- our past efforts to modernization. I would simply update the matting and the frame color -- perhaps choose a red inside mat (closest to painting), then a green to match the forestry for the primary mat, and perhaps a very dusky blue for the frame itself. Is there any way you can research who painted this? It really is very serene and a lot of thought/love went into it.

  • Wanda Wanda on Mar 30, 2019

    I agree with Alberta. An antique dealer is the best route to go. Or check out eBay. They list tons of artwork.

  • Melissa Wedel Melissa Wedel on Apr 19, 2019

    Here it is! Finished. I didn't do anything to the picture itself, I painted the frame and the matting only.

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  • J Brown J Brown on Apr 12, 2021

    great choice. It looks so much more alive.