How do I cover paneling ?

by Bonnie

My living room is paneled. What can I do to lighten it up? Can it be painted?

  4 answers
  • Gk Gk on Apr 12, 2019

    Hello Bonnie! You can paint paneling. You will need to do some prep work first: Here are some directions:

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Apr 12, 2019

    Bonnie...Yes it can be painted. Clean well, fill any places that might need with wood filler, sand if areas need to be. Paint with primer then paint. You can purchase paint with primer already in it. We did our den in basement and it's not really hard. Some people just leave imperfections it's just what look you want. Good Luck!

  • Alan Alan on Apr 12, 2019

    Yes, I have successfully painted paneling. As always, use a good quality paint.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Apr 12, 2019

    Hello Bonnie,

    Proper prep can yield a successful painted paneling job. After walls are clean —prime and paint.

    We have a log cabin and too much wood is dark and dreary.

    We are quite pleased the previous homeowner placed paneling over natural cedar logs in two bedrooms and painted it a light color. I would suggest not to hesitare to your paint paneling for a room brightening update. Our paneling grooves are not filled and I feel its a huge improvement.

    I think you’ll be really pleased with your results. Best wishes in your painting adventure!

    Heres helpful links!

    I hope this helps!

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