How do I re-do a small patio space in a senior complex?

by Carol

Living in a retirement community we have limitations on what we can do outside. The people who lived here before us had a few plants, gravel and 2 patio chairs. We would like privacy but it cannot be a permanent fixture. Any suggestions out there?

  5 answers
  • Carolinagirl Carolinagirl on Apr 21, 2019

    A friend has the same problem. Do you have a picture of your patio? Also, and this is the bottom line, it is better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.

  • Carol Carol on Apr 21, 2019

    Good point. Here is my challenge. It is a postage size space. A big change from where we used to live. But be it as it may I hope I can make it look better. We also have a screened in porch so I am not worried about screening this in.

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  • Em Em on Apr 21, 2019

    Use lattice panels that you wire onto balcony. Then put plants on the ground in front of that for more coverage. In my old house I was surrounded by homes. I used beautiful horse blankets and Mexican Serape that I draped over the railing when I wanted total privacy. Fold up when you go inside and store inside or in a foot stool and leave out.

  • Carol Carol on Apr 21, 2019

    Thank you Em for some good ideas.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Apr 22, 2019

    Have you though perhaps about getting a cantilevered (also called off-set) umbrella? These are attractive and provide instant privacy without needing to be attached to existing buildings.

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