How do I make a blank wall into a nice focus point?

by Magda

I moved to a new home and the garden is in a totally junk state. The grass is terible and there is only one overgrown tree with lots of dead branches. Is is a very small garden. From my lounge side is a blank walll. Pls give me advice

  5 answers
  • Betty Albright-Bistrow Betty Albright-Bistrow on May 01, 2019


    We moved to our home 2 years ago, and the grass was neglected and the whole garden area was just full of tall thistles. We immediately dug in literally! We worked the garden area by pulling out all the thistles, then my husband took the tiller and tossed the dirt. We put down weed killer there as well. We had to do this a few times. It was hard work but now it is lovely in the back area of the yard. Now we have done the yard in the front by scarifying it and then putting down new seed for grass. The front is beautiful now. The back yard is a work in progress and we are doing that in the back now as well. We have planted 10 shrubs on the right side of the house in the front, and planted 10 pines where the garden area was, and 4 more pine trees on the left side in the back as well. We have close neighbors so we want natural ways to have privacy. We bought our bushes and trees at Home Depot and Southern Living. Hope this helps you. Now for your blank wall. Let's think about that.....

    I hope this helps you out! Good luck to you....

  • Dwp7470b Dwp7470b on May 01, 2019

    Magda, you are best off starting from scratch:

    A. Dig out the Garbage Grass and Untreated Topsoil

    B. Place that aside in piles for future risen gardens, by planting a crop of potatoes (just plant shavings from a 10lb bag) in the Piles.

    C. Manure and Hoe the areas where you removed topsoil.

    D. Topsoil atop the manure

    E. If you want landscaping of Fruit Bearing Trees or Bushes check with

    F. Figure out if you want a pathway of stepping stones or concrete or brick with mortar, and place that.

    G. Plant grass after you finish the landscaping and leveling of the topsoils.

    H. Gradually reintegrate the Potato Treated Soils into Risen beds as the Bottom Layers where Roots of Vegetables very seldom reach in a risen bed.

    I. Integrate manure not less than 4 inches and a dusting of topsoil on top of the manure, in any place you want flower beds and Vegetable gardens rather than grass.

    • Magda Magda on May 02, 2019

      Thanks a lot It feels like a huge mountain to climb and the garden is really disgusting. The house was a mess too so for more than a week we scrubbed till it was clean enough to start unpacking. I dont know how people can live like this. But we will get there