How do I remove 30 year old row of boxwoods?

Ken Luther
by Ken Luther

What would be the easiest way to remove rows of shrubs up near front of house? Other than hiring someone else to do it. It is in a tough area to dig around them.

  4 answers
  • Sharon Roscher Sharon Roscher on May 02, 2019

    Thankfully our son had a beefy pickup truck and trailer hitch. He hooked it up with a couple of thick ropes and just pulled them out one at a time.

  • Virginia S. Virginia S. on May 02, 2019

    I don't know how big your boxwoods are, but you could tie them onto the bumper of your car or truck and pull them out by the roots if they are accessible.

    • Ken Luther Ken Luther on May 03, 2019

      Thanks for the idea. Would be tough with tree and street 30 away. Might try a winch on the large tree though after digging around some.

  • William William on May 02, 2019

    I did exactly what Sharon and Virginia suggest two years ago. Tied a rope to the undercarriage of my SUV and pulled the bushes out. Not bumper....mine is plastic cover over the waffle bumper.

  • Deb K Deb K on May 02, 2019

    Hi Ken, it's not easy, but here's a video to guide you