Does anyone know how to cover a wall with sheets?

by Brown
  4 answers
  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on May 20, 2019

    Hi this is Peggy. Here is a video on using material to cover walls, and since sheets are material, I hope this works for you.



    Suggested clip · 36 seconds

    How to Cover Walls with Fabric - HGTV Video - YouTube

  • 17335038 17335038 on May 20, 2019

    What is the wall that you want to cover made out of?

    This will affect the type of fasteners you use to hold the fabric on.

  • Brown Brown on May 20, 2019


    • 17335038 17335038 on May 20, 2019

      OK., then the nails shown in the video, or heavy duty staples, should work for a temporary hold before you do the gluing.

      I would not think that sheets would have enough body though to be suitable for this project. Also, as sheets come in a pre-hemmed size, when you have to cut the sides, they are going to fray, and it will be harder to hide the threads.

      It would be a lot of work, and expense with the tools and glue, to not have the outcome meet with your expectations.

  • William William on May 20, 2019

    Video is too complicated. Much simpler solution.

    Soak the fabric in liquid starch. Wring out well. Then just apply like regular wallpaper. The fabric will be easy to peel off in the future without damage to the wall.