How to paint plywood kitchen floor?

by Mon1009290

I removed the linoleum floor from my kitchen and there is plywood on top of another layer of linoleum on top of hard wood floors. I need an easy cost efficient painting solution for the plywood because in a year (maybe 2) we will be gutting most of the kitchen and expanding. What paint is appropriate, waterproof, good in high traffic area, easy to clean? I don't want to do extra poly or lacquer coats. I'm ok if it looks industrial or farm weathered. I'm open to out of the box ideas.

Plywood under faded, old, uncleanable linoleum

  11 answers
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jun 12, 2019

    Make sure to purchase floor paint. So many people make the mistake of using a paint that isn't formulated for high traffic.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Jun 12, 2019

  • Rose/Miros Rose/Miros on Jun 12, 2019

    Make sure you seal any seams in the plywood. Maybe even get some super cheap vinyl just to be sure.

  • Emily Emily on Jun 12, 2019

    If you could I would recommend removing the plywood too. That was laid as a base for something else, the hardwood was the finished floor, so would be easier in the long to paint. As someone else said you would have to cover the seams in the plywood where the hardwood would not have any. I paint many, many floors and it works successfully. Have floor clean and dried use a good quality deck/floor paint (I love Benj. Moore) give it at least 2 coats and you can touch up any scrapes although truthfully you may not need to in only 2 years.

    comment photo
  • Karolyn Slader Karolyn Slader on Jun 13, 2019

    I think you could tape a design and paint it. Then seal it. I did a plywood floor for someone in there basement. You cut squares all exactly alike except for the edges that you cut like and flooring to fit along the edge. Find your center and you will want to use an underpayment under any floor to protect everything from cold, moisture, even bugs. Then I have done this floor now by painting the squares and also staining. The stained floor looks great with a contrast stAin that use can make a design with. I used a larger drill then I used washers and really short screws for a industrial look. You need to use a really great industrial glue or you can screw them into the concrete. You can use plywood as a hardwood floor also and just screw it to your underlAyment. Plywood on your wAlls with strips 2 in wide and you can make a wall look really expensive . Seal or paint white.

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Jun 13, 2019

    If you're certain you'll be doing a full demo including the floor in 2 years, I would just put poly over whatever you've got now. I don't see the point in sinking more time & money in materials to do anything special right now. Of course, I've lived amongst reno's before and know I can do it. It certainly looks industrial aka a construction zone lol! You could even stencil and spray paint in neon orange, "CONSTRUCTION ZONE" with arrows going every which way lol! 🔜🔂

  • Dee Dee on Jun 13, 2019

    porch paint

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jun 13, 2019

    As a temporary covering, instead of painting the plywood, how about indoor-outdoor carpet?

  • Mon1009290 Mon1009290 on Jun 22, 2019

    Thank you for the advice! Testing or a small area with porch paint, looking good!

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Oct 04, 2020

    Hi there, here's a great tutorial that will show you how to paint your plywood floors -