How to add texture over old sheetrock?

by Rjack

pulled two layers of wallpaper off.sheetrock installed probably in 1950's.outer layer of sheetrock paper came off.Will texture still adhere to the sheetrock?Then I'll paint.

  6 answers
  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Jun 24, 2019

    It should, because usually you do a,skim coat to repair drywall. Think hard about texture. It's hard to repair if ever need to and considered a property devalued treatment. Smooth finish is always considered to be top value.

  • Hi, Rjack!

    Two years ago, when I removed a mirror in my bathroom, the outer layer of the sheetrock, which was vinyl, came with it exposing the kraft liner underneath. I scraped the area smooth with a putty knife, then applied a couple light coats of joint compound to match the surrounding wall. I then primed and painted. It has held up well with no bubbling or peeling. I honestly think texture should still adhere to the sheet rock liner without a problem! I hope this helps!

  • Rjack Rjack on Jun 24, 2019

    Very helpful. Thks.

  • Amanda Amanda on Jun 25, 2019

    I had the same issue, and did what Cher did. It was a lot of work for me but did work. I had areas where it would bubble up from the moisture. When that happened I would try to pull the paper from those areas off while still wet and put more compound on it. Good Luck!

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Jun 25, 2019

    That brown paper may bleed brown through your skim coating. I would prime it first with a stain blocking priming.

    • Rjack Rjack on Jun 25, 2019

      Good idea. Crossed my mind. Just haven't done anything yet. Power out last 3 days due to weather. This is a rental property.

  • Rjack Rjack on Jun 25, 2019

    Here are pictures.

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