How can we cool our glass- walled sunroom?

by Ronda

How can we cool our 3 season sunroom that is all glass?

  4 answers
  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jul 21, 2019

    Hi Ronda,

    This link offers some suggestions and the reasons why the some techniques work or don't:

    Here is an interesting link with step 2 talking about solar shades, you have the ability to control them:

  • on Jul 21, 2019

    Ceiling fan? Curtains to keep hot sun out?

  • J J on Jul 21, 2019

    I have a sunroom the lower windows were replaced and upper very high shaped windows were not replaced but we added window film kit to each one. We washed the windows first then added a dark tinted film that is cut to fit inside the window area using razor knife, a soapy water spray bottle and a squeegee. After the tint was done we used the double sided tape around the trim edges and applied the thin film(plastic). Took a blow dryer and went over the film and it shrank up pulling very tight. Took razor knife and trimmed the edges. The difference in temperature was noticeable right away.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jul 21, 2019

    Some more ideas:

    (a)-Heat-blocking drapes

    (b)-exterior mounted retractable awnings, or window blinds

    (c) close (a) and (b) during the time of day with most direct sunlight

    (c)-separate window installed air conditioner

    (d)-upgrade to higher end more insulating windows

    (e) all of the above

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