Can you help me mix a nice antique white paint?

by Debbie

Trying to mix a nice antique white. A bit of brown is too pink. A bit of black gives a blue tone. Help!

  6 answers
  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Aug 05, 2019

    Try white with a little black and yellow

  • Karin Karin on Aug 05, 2019

    Use the complementary colour to neutralize the hue you want to tone down in your paint...if it’s too pink, add a tiny bit of green, if it’s too blue, add a bit of orange. If it’s too yellow, add purple. Adding small amounts of colour at a time will give you more control. Once you have a neutral beige mixture that you like, add it to your white paint to “antique” it.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Aug 05, 2019

    Hello there,

    I would say add touch of warm yellow should do the trick.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Aug 05, 2019

    Add yellow or orange(sparingly) ; brown is made from red base,black into white is gray

  • Sharon Sharon on Aug 10, 2019

    Most antique what has a bit of ocre tint added to it.